Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just... A.... Little... More...

Got a little more work done on the EOD Helm last night. I think that I should be able to finish it our and start the casting process tonight! Here is what it looks like so far
And hey, even my kid gives it approval! So it's gotta be cool!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Warp Speed Captain!!!

Okay, so I went completely crazy this weekend and pretty much did not sleep. I wanted to ensure I got a lot done and was unable, as always, to really do any work on it during the day so at night was when things went down. I finished off all three pieces of the Left Boot and it came out really well and I think the sizing is just about perfect to devour a pair of combat boots (or maybe something slightly more comfortable...)
After that, I probably should have gotten to work on one of the few remaining pieces to actually finish everything out, but instead I started work on me EOD Helm. While less recognizable than the Spartan Mark styles, I used this helmet in game play all the time, so I wanted to make sure I had it for the costume as well. After making my first helmet 3 times before having the right sizing, I was really worried as to whether or not this was going to fit so I kept trying it on after every new piece I put on... I probably would be done with it by now had I not been such a freak about it, but I hate wasting my time on something that is not going to work!
Eventually, I got way too tired to go on and realized that I needed to get to bed since I have work this morning. So this is about how far I have gotten for now. I think it should be the right size. It is a little snug getting on, but it is mildly roomy once it is on. I guess we will just see how it all goes!
The Front is pretty detailed, so far I am pleased with how things turned out with my build pattern, but we'll see if I still am once I get to the end of it...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Finally!... A Productive Night

Well, last night I was FINALLY able to sit down and knock out a little work on this. It has been pretty hectic with the holidays and out trip to New Orleans and everything, but hopefully now that things are settling down I can get back to it! Only foreseeable problem I can think of right now is funding. We spent way too much the past few months and now our budget has gone haywire and I had to use all my blow money to cover our loses... so it will be a while till I get that back. In the meantime it looks like I'll be taking the least expensive path possible.

So, last night I was able to get all the pieces cut for the Right Boot, and finish up my Right Bicep piece (I did spend a few bucks to get my glue and knives) and they both are looking great so far. I have a little fiberglass left, but I also have some Smooth-Cast 300 from the "Herbert the Pervert" project that failed miserably... So I may try that out and see how it compares.

Hopefully there will be lots more progress to come this week!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

After way too long of a break...

So, after about a month and a half of slacking off, I finally decided to get my ass in gear and force myself to start back up on working on my suit. Unfortunately, after I got myself all fired up I realized that I was out of glue…….. so I just did some cutting to get a jump start on tonight (as long as I don’t forget to grab glue on my way home from work) and get a bunch of pieces cut out. Half way through cutting out the boot my exacto knife broke… so I guess I need to get a new one of those as well. Sigh…..
I also realized last night that my helmet is going to have to be remade =( I was an idiot when I started the fiberglassing process and I didn't create a proper mixture. when i realized it was always going to be sticky I tried to sand it off but I ended up tearing it in a few spots and now it is pretty much ruined... which brings me to my next point. Don't make all the armor and leave the paper pieces sitting around without being hardened. they will warp, fold, and lose structural integrity and not look right anymore... Big lesson there...