That's right, last night I FINALLY finished gluing together the final pieces of the chest armor for the suit. I have been working on this piece for a while and had some issues along the way, but a lot of things resolved themselves once I got the support struts in. All in all I think it came out pretty well, but I can tell there are a few areas I am going to have to do some work on. Word of warning to anyone who may attempt this piece, it is not at all easy. there are a LOT of little pieces and it will take some time. Also, I would HIGHLY recommend keeping your computer close by with your pep viewer open because it will save you a lot of time figuring out which piece connects to what.
Here are some shots of the finished product:
The back is definitely the most difficult piece to work with, the center of the top and bottom have a ton of little pieces that have to squeeze in together just right which is just absolutely irritating if you don't have everything lined up just right... It helped the time go by watching some football in the background too...
Here is a shot of my table in the garage with all the pieces on it that i have done so far.
So far I have been able to make the Helmet, Chest, L&R Thigh, L&R Shin, my EOD Shoulder, and the Hand piece. (the stuff on the right is mostly waste)
I also started work on the cod piece, I got about 60% of it cut out last night and may try to work on it some more tonight after everyone goes to bed!
Fun Fun Fun!!!
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