Monday, October 8, 2012

Wait.... What?

Well, I did it… I finished… a few hours worth of work on the suit, that is… ;)

I work up Saturday morning after a late night Friday night to realize my kids were at Oma and Opas, my wife was going to brunch with the girls, and I had nothing to do. So I got my @$$ up and got to work. I got out to the garage and started cleaning up because it was a major crap hole and I have no clear working space. After that, I got my tools and needed items and realized a very important thing… DON’T SCREW ON THE FIBERGLASS RESIN CAP WHEN THERE IS RESIN ALL OVER THE THREADS!!!! Lol! I spent probably ten minutes trying to open the damn resin bottle before if finally gave loose and the cap came off. So, I cleaned up the table, got my mask on, got my gloves on, lined up all my tools, picked up the Bondo to start mixing

and all of a sudden... “riiiing”….. My dad was on his way to my house with the boys. Lmao. So I hurried through and slush poured one batch of Rondo before they arrived.
I tried as best I could to get some "action shots" of the slush casting. In the background is the Left Shin I will be remaking because it got HORRIBLY warped... =(
Note, don’t rush things because then they will more than likely dry poorly and crooked and you will spend even more time with sanding and shaping…

Okay, so the boys got home and I went in to play with and watch them. But eventually they had nap time. Back to work. Went out into the Garage while they were both sleeping and got a few more rounds of pouring in! I decided to go for the second thigh piece, and the three pieces of the left boot. They all still have a little more work to be done, as it is quite a lengthy process when there are so many steps and just one of me (That’s me begging anyone local to come help… =P)
I also started working on my Spartan Laser since it is apparently SOOO much easier for me to work on the paper crafting inside the house than it is for me to make it out to the garage and finish the rest of my massive project I already have going on… But I made some pretty good headway on that over the weekend as well.
As with a lot of my pieces, I have noticed a lack of stability in some parts of the unit while piecing together. I decided not to give it a chance and used my creative genius to make some pillars on the interior of the model to help hold it up so it stops collapsing in on itself... (Shot A: As it was, Shot B: after I added the stabilizers to it... you may have to look closely to see them, they are just pieces of reinforced paper going from side to side)

And here is where I got to by last night (I tried to show the 3D models image in the background to give you an idea of the size and the look of this item)
There are a few things I am doing differently on this piece than I have on all the others... but more to come on that (hopefully) later!

All in all, it was a pretty good weekend for getting some stuff done. I have come to unfortunate terms with the fact that I will not have this ready in time for this Halloween, which really bums me out, but there is nothing that can be fixed by complaining, so I will carry on and move forward the best I can! 

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