Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bi/Tri/Shoulder Piece Build

I finished my bicep piece last night around 1:30am, I am surprised I was still awake because my new workout regimen has been killer! This piece wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, there were a few areas that caused me some trouble that i will probably just have to fill with bondo later and carve out. But here are the shots i took of it:

I found it rather difficult to properly mold the oval on the back of the triceps. There are a lot of little tiny cuts and folds on the bottom side of it and while I didn't do a bad job, it just didn't turn out great.

and of course, I had to take a goofy pose shot wearing it...
Up next, the forearm...

1 comment:

  1. Tell me more about this workout regimen, you sexy man!
