Saturday, October 29, 2011

Y'all Wanna Get High?

I finally got out to work on fiberglassing the suit and while I made quite a few mistakes, I think I learned a lot of useful information. Not to mention considering I have never worked with fiberglass before I think that I did a pretty kick ass job!

"*schick* Ahh, thats the stuff..."
A shot of after my first few ounces of resin and fiberglass.
I took off the bottom support (actually one side fell off when I picked it up because it couldn't hold the weight...) which was not good because it wasn't sturdy enough to hold its shape, so I had to hold it for like 30 minutes to make sure it dried right.
Overall I probably about 2/5-1/2 a can of resin on the inside alone, I also used up all the hardener that came with it (so my drops may have been bigger that recommended) and I still have to do the outside of it, so I am gonna have to buy a LOT more resin... but I did only use like 1/10 a bag of fiberglass but I will probably use more ;)

A few things I think I did wrong:
- I poured more resin in my container than I could use at a time and it hardened, so I had to throw it out...
- I should have waited to remove the supports until AFTER the resin and fiberglass had dried enough to hold shape, I took one of them off for easier access but I think it caused the piece to loose its shape a little.
- I didn't plan well enough for cure time while I was working on it. I would recommend doing a few pieces at a time so while one is wet and drying you can work on another piece.
-Try to keep the weight balanced, I went around from the front to the back and the weight wasn't distributed well so it couldn't stand up which made it hard to stand up on its own.
- And last but not least... I didn't use a respirator. WARNING: If you have never worked with fiberglass resin and you are like me and think "oh, they say I need a respirator but thats just for legal purposes or something, and I can get away with just something covering my mouth..." You are wrong! I am an idiot for not wearing one (pretty sure I will be buying one tomorrow) because that stuff smells STRONG! Not to mention I was working outside in the open air and I could still smell it...

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