Well, I got a few things done today. I managed to make it back out to the store and blow some cash on some essentials. I figured I would buy a few more brushes, and some more resin. I picked up the quart of resin and was about to walk away when i saw a few shelves over they had a gallon of resin, for only twice as much as a quart!!! For those of you who aren't down with measurements thats four quarts for the price of two ;)
I also managed to find myself a respirator. I had to go to 4 different places before I found one. I went to Lowes expecting them to have one and when I couldn't find them I asked these two girls behind the counter... and they didn't even know what a respirator was... lol, they definitely were only hired because they were relatively attractive, because they were no help for anything! Anyway, I finally wound up at Tractor Supply and they had one left, so I got it and it helped a LOT. I didn't notice the fumes at all.
Sidebar, don't drink a beer and then put on a respirator, because it will not filter out the smell of you burps and breath when it is already inside the filter!
I decided to work on the two arm pieces tonight and finish coating the exterior of the cod piece. I tried coating the exterior of the pieces first and then doing the fiberglass work...
Problem is, I coated it, then immediately expected it to be dry/stiff enough to put in the fiberglass, and it probably would have worked out best had I coated the outside and then waited, but I didn't because I'm impatient...
I also wanted to point out, it may be a good idea to go ahead and cut up a lot of the fiberglass before you
touch anything else. that way your hands wont be sticky while handling
the fiberglass and if wont be sticking to your hands the whole night
driving you crazy.
And if you don't already know, which if you don't know this you had better go read some more on fiberglassing... but fiberglass will get all over everything... So wear cloths that you don't mind getting a little messy (which you should already be doing due to the resin).
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