Friday, March 23, 2012

Mix, spread, sand, repeat...

Stayed up late last night working on the helmet and shin, and just hanging out in the garage after everyone else was asleep anyway. I spoke with my neighbor across the street about some tips on how to properly go about the Bondo’ing process and he gave me some good pointers:

-Don’t make a lot at a time (You would think that would be obvious...)
-Apply only what you need (Minimal amounts) so you don’t have to sand as much
-If you have little holes or gaps, take a rubber spatula or a credit card with a little give and press a little more Bondo into it

(Thanks Dan!) 

After that he offered me his belt sander and a couple of other tools, but I’ll see if I end up needing them or not. The Dremel it pretty cool for sanding down thick areas in little patches, but to go over the whole thing was a pain. Obviously using less Bondo the first time around would have saved be a lot of sanding =P

Here are some updated shots of the helmet!
And I also started Rondo’ing my left shin piece. Unfortunately there is a spot in the bad that popped out when I wasn’t looking so it is a little uneven. Not a real big deal, but I will have to do a little artistic carving back there to fix it.
All in all a good night of work. I will probably sand down the helmet tonight and get on what should hopefully be the last round of Bondo!

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